100+ countries, 200+ speakers
4th Edition of World's Longest and Largest Environment Online Event
Dedicated to #BeatPlasticPollution, World Environment Day on 5 June 2023 hosted by by Côte d'Ivoire, brings to our focus yet another folly of our pooled greed and indiscretion. Unthoughtful actions of mankind have badly bruised our planet. The climate emergency, the loss of nature and deadly pollution threaten to destroy our homes and eliminate many of the millions of species that share this beautiful planet with us. Our lives, our peace, our well-being is threatened like never before. But this degradation is not inevitable. We have the power and the knowledge to reverse the harm and restore the Earth- if we Act Now!
Act Now to step up global efforts for #GenerationRestoration and to help address triple planetary crisis: climate, pollution and biodiversity loss.
Act Now brings to you 4th edition of World's Largest and Longest Environment Online Event, 24-hours Non-Stop, on 4th-5th June 2023. The event gathers together organizations and individuals from the world over to present their climate actions, share their insights, and generate awareness about how we are geared towards restoration of our environment, and for taking care of the only planet we know!
Act Now has organized this event with Environment Online (ENO), Finland, Treebuddy.Earth, Finland, The POP Movement, USA, World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF), USA, Plant and Care for Peace (Pacfpeace), Finland, Brookfield International School, Chandigarh, Glamanand, India, Envirate, Finland, Nature Education Society of Taiwan (NEST), Taiwan, and SIQA, Georgia
Starts: 4th June 1200 IST | 06:30 UTC Ends: 5th June 1200 IST | 06:30 UTC Platform Zoom-By Invitation
Find us on: FB, Insta, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn @actnoworgin #actnoworgin
#Generationrestoration #EarthIsCallingActNow #BeatPlasticPollution #ActNowOrgin
Inger Andersen, Ex. Director, UNEP
Tim Christphersen, United Nations Environment Programme
Erik Solheim, The Sixth and former UN Environment Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations
Natalia Alekseeva, Coordinator, UN Decade on Ecosystem
Dr Niall McCann, National Geographic Explorer
Mathis Wackernagel, President of Global Footprint
Pekka Haavisto, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Finland
Nigel Topping, High Level Champion for Climate Action COP26
Licypriya Kangujam in #OnlyOneEarthActNow organized by Act Now
All participants will receive an International Certificate
(Select few participants and entries may be featured during the event.)
(Check with your national coordinator if there are any special awards in your country)
STEP 1-Complete all THREE STEPS to receive your International Certificate:
1. Register for the event: Click here to register
2. Carry out ANY TWO/THREE of the following:
(Under-age children, not legally entitled for social media accounts, can use their parent’s ID.)
Visit Facebook and LIKE: https://www.facebook.com/actnoworgin/
Visit Instagram and FOLLOW: https://www.instagram.com/actnoworgin/Visit Twitter and FOLLOW: https://twitter.com/actnoworgin
Visit YouTube and SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/actnoworgin
STEP 2-Choose and carry out ONE or MORE activity given below:
THEME: #BeatPlasticPollution
1. Art Work: Create an artwork on plastic pollution and highlight the importance of reducing plastic use.
2. Plastic-Free Lifestyle Challenge: Challenge yourself to live one day without plastic. Post your photos or videos.
3. Action Sentence Challenge: Making small changes in our daily habits, such as ___________, can make a big impact on plastic pollution. Post your completed sentence on social media.
4. Compose a 5-Word Story for Plastic Pollution Solutions: Please post your solution with your picture and name here on Act Now padlet.
5. Music/Song/Poem: 1-3 minutes, writing, singing, solo, synchronized chorus on #BeatPlasticPollution
6. Poster Making: Mention your name, class and school at bottom right
7. Dance: 1-3 minutes, solo, group, synchronized
8. Fancy Dress: for age 6 and below
9. Share your Climate Action-Plant a Tree-https://www.pacfpeace.net/
10. DONATE - Fund Raising for Climate Action-(Only for INDIAN Participants)-(Participants get Special Merit Certificate)
Click DONATE Button on www.actnow.org.in
IMPORTANT: Post and Tag your entry on YOUR Facebook/Instagram/Twitter account page, using hashtags:
#Generationrestoration #EarthIsCallingActNow #BeatPlasticPollution #ActNowOrgin
STEP 3-FINALLY email your entries: peaceisgreen@actnow.org.in
Act Now in association with Cognozire is initiating AI FOR U AND I that seeks to use artificial intelligence in analysing health impacts based on our environmental data. Simplified Phase 1 of of this project is being launched during #EarthIsCallingActNow, 4th edition of World's Largest and Longest Environment Online Event, 24 hours Non-Stop, on 4th-5th June 2023. Succesful participants will be included in more comprehensive Phase 2.
All participants will be awarded CERTIFICATE BY Act Now and Cognozire.
Organizer | : Act Now |
Co-organizers | : Environment Online, Treebuddy.Earth, Pacfpeace, Brookfield International School, Glamanand, Envirate, NEST, The POP Movement, WSDF, SIQA |
Event Title | : #EarthIsCallingActNow |
Starts | : 4 June 2023, 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Ends | : 5 June 2023 12:00 IST | 06:30 UTC |
Venue | : Zoom |
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Event Page | |
Find Us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn #ActNowOrgin @ActNowOrgin |